Undertow, Frances Scott


We were first introduced to Frances Scott’s work at Stills’ AMBIT: Photographies from Scotland exhibition in 2019. The images in her first book, Undertow, were taken over the course of two years as Scott walked the coastline of Orkney and show its landscape, from jagged cliffsw to fences shaped like shells by the wind, in stunning black and white photographs. Alongside the images are notes of each walk taken —coastal distance, duration and observations, as well as delicate route maps.

To our knowledge there are very, very few copies of Undertow still available from Another Place Press. We recommend supporting your local artists and publishers while simultaneously bringing this special publication into your life.

An undertow is a current beneath the surface that sets seaward — something which will take hold of you and pull you along, but only if you make the decision to put your feet into the water. By walking these coastlines, the brink between land and sea, I’ve found a new sense of belonging; I’ve made Orkney my own.
— Frances Scott

Frances Scott is a photographer from Orkney, currently based in Glasgow. She graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 2014, receiving first class honours alongside an award for her Critical Journal. Her work often focusses on journeys made through a landscape of personal significance, and since 2016 has been working on a long-term project to walk and document the coastlines of Orkney. She is a founding member of the Orkney-based Móti Collective.


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